SF Property Securities Fund

The SF Property Securities Fund invests in listed shares of Swiss real estate companies and listed Swiss real estate funds. The fund is broadly diversified across the Swiss real estate market by regions, types of use and investment styles of the underlying real estate investments.

Stock selection is focused on investments that display a stable rental income and positive performance. Thus, the fund targets a high income yield and the preservation of capital value.

SF Property Securities Fund wins a “LSEG Lipper Fund Award 2024”

The SF Property Securities Fund was recognised as the best fund over three years at the "LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2024 Switzerland" organised by the Swiss Finance & Property Group. Following last year's award for the SF Property Selection Fund over three and five years performance, this confirms that our robust investment approach with above-average long-term risk-adjusted performance is proving its worth.


SF Property Securities Fundas at 30 November 2024

Share Class I - NAV CHF 226.79


The fund invests in listed real estate funds and companies, as well as in non-listed real estate funds.

In addition to real estate funds, the product invests in real estate companies that enable additional earnings potential through other value-creation strategies. Investments in unlisted real estate funds stabilize long-term performance and facilitate optimization of the risk profile based on the market phase.

Fund Data

NameSF Property Securities Fund
Asset ManagerSwiss Finance & Property AG
AuditorsPricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Depositary bankUBS Switzerland AG
Reference currencyCHF
Benchmark50% SXI Real Estate Funds Broad
50% SXI Real Estate Shares Broad
Launch of share class03.11.2008
Launch of fund11.11.2006
ISIN / ValorCH0045826101 / 4582610
DistributionAnnually in March
First-time minimum payment5 mn CHF
Subscription and Redemption Fee0.15% on behalf of the fund 
Management Fee 10.50% p.a.
Total Expense Ratio (TER) 20.54%
Total AssetsCHF 615.6 mn

Investments in SFP products are not included in the management fee calculation.

As at 31.12.2023, TER (fund of fund) denotes the sum of all costs and commissions charged to the fund assets on the fund of f

Share Class I - Performance: Base 100 (Net)

in %YTD1 M3 M1 Y3Y5 Y

Share Class I - Statistical Analysis

36 months rollingFundsBenchmark
Performance p.a.4.63%3.75%
Sharpe Ratio p.a.0.500.40
Tracking Error p.a.1.16%-
Information Ratio0.76-
Risk-free rate0.14%-

Investment Type




The fund supports the achievement of the Federal Council's 2030 and 2050 climate targets. The sustainability policy pursues a consistent evaluation of relevant ESG indicators, which are used in the selection of investments. Regular ESG engagement with relevant market participants supports the development of investment decisions based on comparable information. The investment objective and the sustainability policy of the SF Property Securities Fund are defined in the prospectus with integrated fund contract. Further information on sustainability can be found at www.sfp.ch/en/products/sf-property-securities-fund.

Environmentally Relevant Key Figures

Measured variableUnitFund
Energy intensity in operationKWh/m2/year105.6
Share of renewable energy% renewable of energy consumption41.7
GHG intensity in operationkgCO2/m2/année11.8

The key figures are based on publicly available information from third-party providers on the reporting date. Not all third-party providers publish information, which is why the degree of coverage is not necessarily 100%. The calculation methods are harmonised. This leads to retrospective corrections, which we apply in each case.

GRESB Rating1

GRESB Standing Investment4 von 5
GRESB Score Standing Investment84 von 100
GRESB Average (Global participants) 280 von 100
GRESB Peer Average (Swiss participants) 283 von 100

GRESB Portfolio Summary2

<p>Source: GRESB</p><p><sub>All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All rights reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (including a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it.</sub></p>

Source: GRESB

All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All rights reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (including a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it.

GRESB ESG Breakdown1

<p>Source: GRESB</p>

Source: GRESB

The degree of coverage measured in terms of assets under management is approx. 70%.

1 The GRESB ESG Breakdown and the GRESB Rating are based on the GRESB reports for the calendar year 2022 and are calculated using the current portfolio allocation. 

2 The GRESB Portfolio Summary, the GRESB Average and the GRESB Peer Average are based on the allocation as at 31 December 2022 and the GRESB reports for the calendar year 2022.

The information in the factsheet linked below is relevant.


SF Property Securities Fund pursues a sustainability policy that is based on the consistent evaluation of the ESG performance indicators that are relevant to the selection of investments. A regular ESG dialogue with all relevant market players provides sustained support to developments ensuring the availability of transparent and comparable information.

The investment objective and sustainability policy of SF Property Securities Fund are defined in the prospectus with integrated fund contract.

The sustainability strategy of SF Property Securities Fund aims to ensure the greatest possible coverage by GRESB data (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) and the systematic capture of environmental indicators for all investment vehicles. The focus falls mainly on the long-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Voting rights are exercised, with a particular emphasis given to appointing competent persons to the boards of directors of all companies.

Sustainability Approach

The portfolio manager engages in an individual dialogue about sustainability aspects with every provider of investment solutions. The purpose of this approach to ESG engagement is to ensure that all providers adopt the practice of ESG reporting and provide transparent and comparable information that can be used to make specific investment decisions.

Directives and guidelines that are regularly reviewed set out the process for exercising voting rights. The Fund's management adheres to the 2016 guidelines of economiesuisse and integrates selected best practice criteria into its corporate governance processes.

In order to keep pace with the momentum of the sustainability movement, the sustainability strategy and sustainability approaches are systematically revised at least once every five years and amended, if needed.

GRESB Investor
Member since 2021


Portrait Johannes Schwab
Johannes Schwab

Senior Portfolio Manager Indirect Investments

Member of Senior Management

Portrait Ruedi Göldi
Ruedi Göldi

Senior Portfolio Manager Indirect Investments

Member of Senior Management

Portrait Robert Sekula
Robert Sekula

Senior Portfolio Manager Indirect Investments

Member of Senior Management

Portrait Christoph Bieri
Christoph Bieri

Senior Portfolio Manager Indirect Investments

Portrait Patrick Sege
Dr Patrick Sege

Head Client Relationship Management & Marketing

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