SF Retail Properties Fund

The SF Retail Properties Fund invests in properties with retail space, throughout Switzerland. The assets include the ancillary rooms and associated parking facilities required for the tenant’s operations.

Besides retail space, these properties may also contain industrial space, offices or apartments. The criteria taken into account for investments include but are not limited to upside potential, tenant creditworthiness, quality of construction and building materials. The long-term objective of the fund is to achieve the Federal Council's climate targets for 2030 and 2050 by implementing the climate-alignment sustainability approach.

Key Figures

Number of investment properties in the portfolio as at 31 December 2024
1 006
CHF million portfolio value of the investment properties as at 31 December 2024
Percent gross yield of the portfolio as at 31 December 2024

Selected Properties

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business: Untere Rebgasse 17, Basel
Untere Rebgasse 17, Basel Business property
Rental Space 9 949 m2
Market Value CHF 75 770 000
business: Bahnhofstrasse 2, Niederbipp
Bahnhofstrasse 2, Niederbipp Business property
Rental Space 1 679 m2
Market Value CHF 5 892 000
business: Adlikerstrasse 285/295/297, Regensdorf
Adlikerstrasse 285/295/297, Regensdorf Business property
Rental Space 12 581 m2
Market Value CHF 42 520 000


SF Retail Properties Fundas at 28 February 2025

Price CHF118.40


The SF Retail Properties Fund invests in properties with retail space, throughout Switzerland. The assets include the ancillary rooms and associated parking facilities required for the tenant’s operations. Besides retail space, these properties may also contain industrial space, offices or apartments. The criteria taken into account for investments include but are not limited to upside potential, tenant creditworthiness, quality of construction and building materials. 

Fund Data

NameSF Retail Properties Fund
Fund management companySwiss Finance & Property Funds Ltd
AuditorsPricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Depositary bankZürcher Kantonalbank
Valuation expertWüest Partner AG
Market MakerSwiss Finance & Property Ltd
Legal formInvestment funds under Swiss law in the "real estate funds" category
Holding structure real estateIndirect property
Reference currencyCHF
BenchmarkSXI Real Estate Funds Broad
Launch date6 August 2015
Listing3 October 2017
Security / ISIN number28508745 / CH0285087455
Bloomberg codeSFR SW
Management fee0.65% p.a.
Tax value per unit
as at 31 December 2023
CHF 107.00
Market capitalisation
as at 28 February 2025
CHF 831.2 mn

Marktwert nach Region (as at 30 June 2024)

Type of Usage (as at 30 June 2024)

Summary Risk Indicator


Performance (reset on base 100)

Cumulative Performance (in %)

YTD1 mt3 mts1 year3 years5 yearsSince


Ratios on return and performanceUnit30 Jun. 202431 Dec. 2023
Investment yield%1.8611.29
Operating profit margin%72.5671.48
Return on equity%1.7211.23
Return on invested capital (ROIC)%1.3711.18
Dividend yield%n/a4.07
Payout ratio%n/a99.13
Ratios on the balance sheetUnit30 Jun. 202431 Dec. 2023
Market value of propertiesCHF893 329 800885 635 800
Gross asset valueCHF913 450 107904 146 773
Net fund assetsCHF640 274 529615 744 099
Borrowing ratio%23.2124.93
Ratios on the income statementUnit30 Jun. 202430 Jun. 2023
Rental incomeCHF 22 409 511 21 609 282
Rent default rate2%5.707.35
Net incomeCHF 14 735 179 13 429 503
TERREF (GAV)% 0.85 0.85
TERREF (MV)% 1.17 1.21
Ratios on the unitsUnit30 Jun. 202431 Dec. 2023
Net asset value at end of reporting periodCHF 98.81 101.36
Distribution per unitCHFn/a4.35
‒ of which free of withholding taxCHFn/a2.45
Historical performance data is no guarantee of future returns. The fund's income and the value of the fund units may increase or decrease and cannot be guaranteed. When redeeming fund units, the investor may get back less money than he originally invested.
1 Calculation for six months (January 1 to June 30).
2 Granted rental reductions are not being accounted for the calculation of the rent default rate. This is in accordance with the guideline of AMAS.

GRESB Rating

GRESB Rating Standing Investment3 out of 5
GRESB Score Standing Investment80 out of 100
GRESB Average76 out of 100
GRESB Peer Average75 out of 100

GRESB Portfolio Summary

<p><sub>Source: GRESB</sub></p><p><sub>All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All rights reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (including a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it</sub></p>

Source: GRESB

All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All rights reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (including a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it

GRESB ESG Breakdown

<p><sub>Source: GRESB</sub></p>

Source: GRESB

The information in the factsheet linked below is relevant.


The long-term objective of the SF Retail Properties Fund is to achieve the Federal Council's climate targets for 2030 and 2050 (net zero by 2050 at the latest) by implementing the climate-alignment sustainability approach. Sustainability aspects are considered both in the investment process and along the investment and property life cycles.

The investment objective, investment policy and sustainability strategy of the SF Retail Properties Fund are defined in the prospectus with integrated fund contract.

Sustainable Investment Approach

The portfolio's climate alignment is focused on reducing the environmental footprint over time by lowering its greenhouse gas emissions of the portfolio. The greenhouse gas emissions are defined in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and comprise scope 1 and scope 2. In the long term, the climate alignment focuses on achieving the Federal Council's climate targets for 2030 and 2050 (net zero by 2050 at the latest), and is supported by reduction paths along with interim targets.

In order to keep pace with the momentum of the sustainability movement, the sustainability strategy is systematically revised at least once every five years and amended, if needed.

A detailed illustration and explanation of the key figures – including the current situation and interim targets by 2050 – is provided below.

Acquisition Profile

Focus on sales space for everyday consumer goods

  • Minimum size CHF 5.0 million

  • Main use retail space with tenants from the area of goods for daily needs

  • Asset and share deal possbile

  • Sole ownership preferred

  • Highest possible occupancy rate with long-term leases



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SF Retail Properties Fund – Strong financial year 2024
News | SF Retail Properties Fund
A successful evening for the reopening of the revitalised Clara Huus
Ad hoc announcements | SF Retail Properties Fund
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Portrait Thomas Lavater
Thomas Lavater

Head Direct Funds & Foundation

Portfolio Manager Real Estate Direct
SF Retail Properties Fund

Portrait Patrick Sege
Dr Patrick Sege

Head Client Relationship Management & Marketing

Regular news and information on current topics.