Asset Management Real Estate Indirect

In Asset Management Real Estate Indirect, the portfolio management team focuses on indirect real estate investments, listed investment funds and equities, and real estate investment groups of investment foundations. The investment universe is expanded by non-listed real estate funds and equities.

SF Property Securities Fund

The fund invests in listed real estate funds and companies, as well as in non-listed real estate funds. In addition to real estate funds, the product invests in real estate companies that enable additional earnings potential through other value-creation strategies.

SF Property Selection Fund

The fund invests in listed and non-listed real estate funds, and on a situational basis, in real estate companies. The product is oriented towards the performance of a fund-only index and allows for tactical diversification through investing in real estate companies.


Portrait Patrick Sege
Dr Patrick Sege

Head Client Relationship Management & Marketing

Regular news and information on current topics.