SFP Investment Foundation
SFP Investment Foundation is a foundation under Swiss law within the terms of Art. 53g et seq BVG and Art. 80 et seq Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) and is supervised by the Supervisory Commission for Occupational Pensions (OAK BV) (Art. 64a (2) BVG).

Swiss Finance & Property Ltd established the SFP Investment Foundation in 2017. It is managed by Swiss Finance & Property Group AG, Seefeldstrasse 275, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland. The foundation's board appoints and delegates management. Swiss Finance & Property Ltd has specialised in real estate management since 2001. In addition, the foundation board has appointed Swiss Finance & Property Funds Ltd, Seefeldstrasse 275, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland, as asset manager for the investment group SFP AST Swiss Real Estate and Swiss Finance & Property Ltd, Seefeldstrasse 275, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland for the investment groups SFP AST Global Core Property and SFP AST Global Core Property hedged.
The purpose of the investment groups is collective investment and management of the capital contributed by investors in real estate. The product range is only available to a restricted group of investors. These includes tax-exempt occupational pension schemes domiciled in Switzerland, as well as other tax-exempt organisations under private or public law, or legal entities that manage the collective investments of tax-exempt occupational pension organisations domiciled in Switzerland that are supervised by FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, and that invest funds exclusively for this institution with the investment foundation.
SFP Investment Foundation has been a member of the Conference of Managers of Investment Foundations (KGAST) since June 2019. As members of the conference are obliged to comply with the KGAST standards, the SFP Investment Foundation therefore observes the highest sector standards, in particular with regard to co-determination and cost transparency.
Aktuelle Events
Foundation’s Board

Torsten De Santos
Vice-President of the Board of Trustees
SFP Investment Foundation

Investment Commission
SFP AST Swiss Real Estate


Managing Director
SFP Investment Foundation
Head Shared Services

Head Client Relationship Management & Marketing