08 May 2024 | SFP Investment Foundation

SFP Investment Foundation: Ordinary General Meeting of Investors on 7 May 2024

Press releases

This year's General Meeting of Investors of the SFP Investment Foundation was held on 7 May 2024. All proposals of the Board of Trustees were approved.

  • Approval of the 2023 Annual Report
  • Stable distribution yields in all three investment groups
  • Re-election of existing members of the Board of Trustees


All proposals approved

The General Meeting of Investors approved all of the Foundation Council's proposals by an overwhelming majority, in particular the the 2023 Annual Report and the audited 2023 Annual Financial Statements. The members of the Board of Trustees (Alexander Vögele, Torsten de Santos and Adrian Schenker) were each re-elected for a term of office of one year. All members of the Board of Trustees were also granted discharge by the Investors’ Meeting. PriceWaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich, was confirmed as auditor for the 2024 financial year for a further one-year term of office. Attorney-at-law Pablo Bünger was present at the General Meeting of Investors as independent proxy.


The net result per unit for the investment group SFP AST Swiss Real Estate was confirmed at CHF 30.30 (prior year: CHF 30.43). This will allow the stable distribution of CHF 28.00, despite a significant increase in financing costs. The distribution yield is 2.40% with a payout ratio of 92%.

The stable cash flows from the underlying funds of SFP AST Global Core Property’s investment groups enabled a distribution yield of 2.00% across all share classes in 2023, despite the highly challenging interest rate environment, particularly from an international perspective.


The next Ordinary General Meeting of Investors is scheduled for 7 May 2025.

Further Information

The annual report and the prospectuses of the respective investment groups are available at www.sfp-ast.ch.


Portrait Philippe Rothlin
Philippe Rothlin

Managing Director
SFP Investment Foundation

Head Shared Services

Portrait Patrick Sege
Dr Patrick Sege

Head Client Relationship Management & Marketing

Portrait Matthias Flückiger
Matthias Flückiger

Portfolio Manager Real Estate Direct
SFP AST Swiss Real Estate

Member of Senior Management

Portrait Benjamin Boakes
Benjamin Boakes

Senior Portfolio Manager
SFP AST Global Core Property

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