Philippe Rothlin appointed new Managing Director of SFP Investment Foundation from 1st January 2024
The SFP Investment Foundation has appointed Philippe Rothlin as its new Managing Director. He will succeed Dr Gregor Bucher, who retires at the end of 2023.
Philippe Rothlin has been working for the Swiss Finance & Property Group as Head Shared Services for more than five years. Before that he was employed at a major bank, where as the FINMA guarantor he was responsible for monitoring investment funds. He studied law and business administration at the University of St. Gallen and obtained an MBA from ESADE Business School in Barcelona.
Alexander Vögele, President of the Foundation Board of the SFP Investment Foundation comments on his appointment as follows: "We chose Philippe because he brings the ideal network for our highly regulated environment. He has an excellent track record in the financial industry and already has many years of experience in dealing with the stakeholders of our investment foundation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Gregor Bucher warmly for his successful contribution. He has significantly influenced the development of the SFP Investment Foundation since 2018, especially during its initial phase of growth. The Foundation Board wishes him all the best for the future."

Foundation President
SFP Investment Foundation