27 March 2025 | SF Property Securities Fund, SF Property Selection Fund

The SF Property Securities Fund and the SF Property Selection Fund each win an "LSEG Lipper Fund Award 2025"


At the LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2025 Switzerland, the Swiss Finance & Property Group (SFP Group) was honoured for the third time in a row in the "Equity Sector Real Estate Europe" category. The SF Property Selection Fund was awarded as the fund with the best five-year performance, while the SF Property Securities Fund received the award for the best three-year performance. 

This recognition, which adds to the awards received in the years 2023 and 2024, confirms the strength and relevance of our investment approach. Nicolas Di Maggio, CEO of Swiss Finance & Property Ltd, emphasises: "To be at the top of the Lipper rankings for three years in a row – with a cumulative outperformance over eight years – leaves no room for doubt. Our active and disciplined strategy has achieved above-average risk-adjusted performance over a long period of time despite an increasingly complex market environment. The portfolio management team consisting of experienced and highly qualified specialists Christoph Bieri, Ruedi Göldi, Johannes Schwab and Robert Sekula has managed to adapt to developments in macroeconomic conditions and the Swiss real estate market. In the face of ever-increasing competition, this award is proof of our ability to create added value for our investors across all phases of the real estate cycle."

The SFP Group also recorded a groundbreaking success: Assets under Management (AuM) of these two products exceeded the CHF 1 billion threshold for the first time in March 2025. This growth strengthens the position of the SF Property Selection Fund and the SF Property Securities Fund as two of the largest active funds on the Swiss market for indirect real estate investments. They provide investors with fast market access and broad diversification – even for larger investment volumes.

This year, we are sending out a clear signal in favour of greater transparency with regard to our sustainable investment strategy. We have reached an important milestone by aligning ourselves with the current self-regulation for transparency and disclosure of the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS). The funds also qualify as Article 8 SFDR in the pre-contractual information (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - SFDR 8). By taking this step, we are increasing transparency for our investors and making an active contribution to the sustainable transformation of the real estate sector.

The SF Property Selection Fund and the SF Property Securities Fund are suitable for all investors who wish to invest in the Swiss real estate market using an active and innovative multi-manager approach. We would like to thank our partners and clients for their continued trust and remain committed to high-performance, responsible and sustainable management with determination.


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Portrait Nicolas Di Maggio
Nicolas Di Maggio

Swiss Finance & Property Ltd

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