27 September 2024 | Swiss Finance & Property Funds AG, SF Sustainable Property Fund

SF Sustainable Property Fund – New Portfolio Manager

Press releases

The appointment of Daniel Babic as of 1st November 2024 as Portfolio Manager of the SF Sustainable Property Fund ensures continuity in the management of the fund.

Daniel Babic studied Business Administration with a focus on Banking and Finance in Zurich and, before joining Swiss Finance & Property Group, held various positions in the finance industry. Since 2019, he has been responsible for all financial matters and controlling of the SF Sustainable Property Fund as Senior Finance Manager. Daniel Babic is very familiar with the team and the port-folio. His appointment ensures continuity in the management and strategic development of the fund.

Nicolas Beutler, who has been the Portfolio Manager for many years, will continue to actively sup-port the fund and the team until he leaves at the end of 2024. We would like to thank Nicolas Beut-ler for his commitment over the past years and wish him all the best for the future.

SF Sustainable Property Fund
The SF Sustainable Property Fund invests in real estate and real estate projects in the whole of Switzerland. The real estate fund mainly focuses on residential use. The real estate fund systemat-ically and step-by-step optimises properties in line with defined sustainability criteria (ESG) during the period of ownership. With the objective being to reach the Federal Council’s climate objectives for 2030 and 2050 (net zero by 2050 at the latest), the focus falls mainly on environmental criteria (E of ESG), in particular on the improvement of energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


Portrait Thomas Lavater
Thomas Lavater

Head Direct Funds & Foundation

Portfolio Manager Real Estate Direct
SF Retail Properties Fund

Portrait Bruno Kurz
Bruno Kurz

Swiss Finance & Property Funds Ltd

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