11 October 2024 | SF Urban Properties Ltd

Another impressive GRESB result with 4 out of 5 stars


SF Urban Properties Ltd received 82 out of 100 points, a 4-star rating for its investment properties and fourth place in a direct peer comparison (Switzerland, diversified, listed). This result confirms the successful implementation of our sustainability strategy.

Micaela Dal Santo-Venzi, Portfolio Manager SF Urban Properties Ltd, commented on the GRESB result:

“The confirmation of our very good GRESB result once again illustrates the consistent implementation of our sustainability strategy. GRESB provides us with a valuable tool for presenting the SFUP portfolio to our shareholders and tenants in a transparent and comparable way – and for clearly positioning ourselves in the complex environment of ESG ratings.”


Product GRESB portfolio rating GRESB portfolio score Peer group portfolio
SF Urban Properties Ltd ★★★★ 82 out of 100 Switzerland, Diversified, Listed


Sustainability at SF Urban Properties Ltd
The urban locations of our properties shape the habitat of many people as the places where they live and work, or as meeting zones in public spaces. By implementing ESG measures, we want to create our share of added value for society and the environment in the long term.

We focus primarily on the ongoing implementation of building measures designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the energy efficiency of our property portfolio. In do-ing so, it is important to take into account the challenging conditions at inner-city locations. 
We attach importance to transparent communication and cooperation in a spirit of partnership with our stakeholders.

Further information on sustainability at Real Estate Switzerland can be found on our Sustainability (sfurban.ch) website or in the annual reports of SF Urban Properties Ltd.


Portrait Micaela Dal Santo-Venzi
Micaela Dal Santo-Venzi

Portfolio Manager Real Estate Direct
SF Urban Properties Ltd

Member of Senior Management

Portrait Carmen Achermann
Carmen Achermann

ESG Manager

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