07 December 2023

Infrastructure investments and their benefits for your portfolio

What are infrastructure investments? Why are they essential to a portfolio and why is infrastructure an attractive asset class? How can investors and the economy benefit from infrastructure investments?

Cledan Mandri-Perrott, Co-Head Investments and Partner of SFP Infrastructure Partners, answers these questions and many more in the informative video for the CONINCO MasterClass which took place on 8-9 November 2023 in Vevey, Switzerland. This provides a good overview of why infrastructure should be part of your portfolio.

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Read more about SFP Infrastructure Partners’ strategy here.

If you would like to know how and why SFP Infrastructure Partners was founded, read the first article of the current trilogy: The Visionaries

In case of any questions, please contact the senior management team:

Thomas Hoffmann

Partner, Co-Head Investments
SFP Infrastructure Partners

Portrait Thomas Hoffmann

Curriculum vitae

  • Since the beginning of 2021, Partner and Co-Head Investments at SFP Infrastructure Partners AG
  • Previously, 8 years with Partners Group AG and in 2020 with Golding Capital Partners, where he executed secondary, co-investment and partly primaries in the infrastructure and private equity sector
  • Prior to this with WestLB, HSBC Trinkaus and Dresdner Bank (now Commerzbank) among others 
  • 12 years of experience in infrastructure investment

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